sleepy.ab at Shibuya Club Quattro
Earlier this month I headed down to Tokyo with sleepy.ab for a show at Shibuya Club Quattro. It was a quick two-day trip for us, so sadly there was no time to do anything around town. But we were playing with local band People In The Box, and we had a little time to talk and relax before and after the show.
We flew in the morning of the show, which was pretty nerve-wracking considering how temperamental winter can be here in Sapporo. But we got lucky and there weren’t any weather related problems so we arrived at the venue just in time for our sound check.
Our set was first for the night, so there was only a little time between the sound check and the actual performance. But we did have enough time to eat a little lunch box the organizer had prepared and laid out for us backstage. Sorry to say I didn’t get a picture of that, but it was delicious. Fried chicken, steamed veggies, rice, a little pot sticker, a mini spring roll. The works.
And then we were ready to play. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a full standing-room-only house completely packed, probably since 2019, and the event was sold out. What a sight to behold.
And then we played.
After our set we headed out to watch People In The Box play. They sounded incredible, but it was hard to see anything from the back of the room. After the show ended we said hello to everyone at the merch table for about 30 minutes. After that we had to go pack up our gear and then we could finally head to the after party! Then a slightly tipsier journey back to our hotels, and, the following morning, back to the airport via a strange bird-themed monorail…
From the airport it’s about a four hour journey back home, again no snow-related delays. The weather gods were smiling upon us this time.
I’m heading back to Tokyo this weekend with sleepy.ab for another show on the 25th! This time in Shinjuku, sharing the stage with “peridots.” So come out and say hello if you’re in the area! Details can be found here:
sleepy.ab at Shibuya Club Quattro